When you find out your loved one is diagnosed with dementia, you want to do everything you can to help them. But sometimes when we think we’re helping, we are actually aggravating the situation. Oftentimes, friends and family can become frustrated on what to steps to take during this difficult transition. Whether you’re seeking health care at home in Aurora or your loved one is in a facility, heed these warning signs to ensure a comfortable atmosphere for dementia patients.
Am I Upsetting My Loved One?
From body language to loud laughter, seniors with dementia can become easily upset.
Before you speak or act around your elderly loved one, consider these common triggers:
- Loud voices or noises are triggers that easily startle and are continuous.
- Another trigger that causes tension is when they notice changes to their personal space (environment) or being taken to a space they aren’t familiar with. An overwhelming environment such as a room that is too loud, too crowded, or grouped together with unfamiliar people can easily over-stimulate their senses.
- If they misunderstand questions or conversations this can trigger confusion and anger.
- If they need to urgently use bathroom or becoming thirsty/hungry and they’re unable to express these needs quickly, this can easily trigger frustration.
- Side effects from medications can interfere with their ability to handle their emotions
- The inability to care for themselves can trigger low-self esteem in a dementia patient
- If a friend or caregiver quickly approaches from behind, this can trigger surprise and cause a rift.
- Lastly, even so much as the temperature in a room or outdoors being too hot or too cold can trigger a patient with dementia
How You Can Help
Aside from being aware of these triggers, there are some transitional elements that can not only ease their mind but offer you peace of mind when connecting with them in this stage of their life. Keep a journal or notebook and jot down the moments they feel upset. Document events prior to them becoming upset and note their reaction and any specifics. This will help you and your family provide a peaceful environment during this emotional transition.
The Importance of a Senior Care
Senior personal care in Aurora focuses on the needs of the patients and the family. Bringing both fact and emotional/personal feelings to the table, your home health worker is already equipped to face the onset warnings of dementia.
When you need guidance and assistance from a senior home health care Aurora expert, call our care staff today. We provide answers to all your questions, a tour through our facility, and will support you and your family during the transition.