As we age, we tend to need a little more help to do the things we could once do for ourselves. Often, family members answer the call and help any way they can. Sometimes, a little more help is needed and an in-home health care provider in Aurora is the answer. But what exactly can you expect them to do?  

Occupational and physical therapy 

In-home, health care professionals can help to support the occupational and physical therapy needs of you or your loved one. Their services are typically considered “non-medical” meaning they don’t provide acute medical care. But, they can help you or your loved one with therapeutic exercises already prescribed by a medical professional.    

Nursing services

Home health aides offer a conduit to medical nursing services that you or your loved one might require. If your aide sees that specific medical care is needed, they can call in the trained professionals to provide those services. Having a home health professional on board and in the home can go a long way in providing peace of mind that you or your loved one is in great care. 


Private duty home health professionals also offer companionship to you or your loved one.  Sometimes, simple activities can go a long way like an afternoon spent playing cards, or a morning grocery store visit with the help of an aide. Just having someone there is often a comforting thing. 

Help with daily needs

The simplest daily needs can become more challenging as we age too. Home health care providers in Aurora can help with a wide variety of daily needs including bathing and personal hygiene, dressing, prescription medication administration, and bathroom assistance. Daily needs can also include errand running and simple companionship, and a home health agency is a right choice when a little help is required.   

Provides reassurance

Although home health agencies don’t always provide medical nursing, your home health aide is skilled in monitoring you or your loved one’s general health and vitals. If something happens that demands skilled medical care, your aide will be on-site to contact emergency medical services or skilled medical services that might be required. Having someone watching over the care of you or your loved one can go a long way in providing reassurance to everyone. 

If you’re interested in an in-home caregiver choose Shared Touched Home Healthcare Agency that has been providing (non-skilled) caregivers to clients since 1999. The idea behind establishing Shared Touch was to establish an agency that offered services by caregivers beyond the client’s exceptions. Give us a call today at (303) 261-1110!